U-Pick or In-Store
Available for Picking Starting in Early July
$2.50 Per Stem
5 for $10
Our sunflowers were such a big hit last year that we're going to expand our flower selection even more this year!
Weather permitting we should start display and sales around the first of July and continue up to fall frost. We hope to plant every 10 days so that we'll have beautiful flowers to harvest on a regular basis. The zinnias will begin to come in a few days later then the first sunflowers.
We'll have precut flowers in the building or you can cut your own. We'll sell by the stem with a discount for bunch purchases. Florists should give us a call as well as we can cut and deliver.
Photography is encouraged although there will be a fee for commercial photographers.
Here's a list of what we hope to have for you!
Velvet Queen: A large plant with reddish colored blossums that can reach a foot across. Can be used to create a striking display.
Lemon Queen: A little later than some of the others but heavy bloomers that create dense arching mounds up to 7' tall and 3' wide.
Sunspot dwarf: Only 2-4' tall but still has yellow blooms up to 8-10" across. We hope to have some of these in containers as well.
ProCut: These grow up to 6' tall with 4-6" blooms that are great for cut flowers, pollenless.
Orange Excel: The standard...a deep orange. Had these last year and they were very popular!
White Lite: White petals around a light colored center disc. Great in bouquets especially when paired with others
White Nite: White petals around a dark center. Some claim this can even be dyed red and blue for a July 4th vase.
Plum: Unique plum colored petals. We're really excited about this one.
Sunrich: Another sunflower great for cutting and display. Slightly shorter than the ProCut series but still has a 5-6" flower.
Gold: Actually could be closer to a yellow but with a greenish center that is gorgeous.
Lime: Tightly packed petals around a lime center.
Linoncello Summer: Earlier by 5-10 days than some of the others a "unique bi-color flower, vibrant yellow changing to a light creamy yellow tip"!